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On-Line Calendars
My Palm (formerly

Synch Up!
These days, it's important to stay in synch. With your calendar, your business, your family - your life. Ok, so how do you do that? Thanks to technology, things are getting easier all the time.
Do you use a portable calendar, like a Day-Runner® or Franklin Planner®? Nice, but one major drawback - you need to be sure you actually look at it. With my busy schedule, I need my calendar to jump up and demand my attention! Here are some suggestions for getting in synch and staying on track:

1.     Use Microsoft Outlook. Outlook has the ability to set reminders that will pop-up on your screen to let you know that you have an upcoming appointment. You can even have them “ding” (or if you're really adventurous, download a .wav file off the Internet.  Like Yosemite Sam and his “I'm a' warnin' you, stranger!” You're in a home office. Go nuts.)
2.     Print out your calendar. Outlook has many standard templates for both Day-Runner® and Franklin Planner®. You can print a monthly calendar or a daily one, One page or two. Include a task list. Or take a risk and design your own. Put it in your planner or hang it on your fridge - no need to update several different calendars.
3.     Synchronize on-line. Lots of on-line calendar sites will allow you to synchronize with Outlook. Be sure to give a password to your family so they can keep tabs on you. Helps to know when you'll be home for dinner!

Now for the truly techie or those who just love gadgets, go for a personal digital assistant, or PDA. There are lots to choose from - and as a bonus, you'll always have Solitaire in the palm of your hand. ;-)